Things I’ve built

In order to present Camptocamp's activities, I designed various graphical illustrations and totems for talks and conferences. I mainly used Inkscape for this task.
Augeas Developer Since 2008, I have authored 75 of the 200+ stock lenses in the Augeas project, and have contributed to the maintenance of the majority of them. I have also contributed to the core ...
Editing and Publishing I typeset and illustrated a French translation of a collection of studies on Christmas, by pastor Wayne Taylor.
CTAN LaTeX Packages Since 2011, I have authored and maintained multiple LaTeX packages on the CTAN.
CPAN Perl Modules Between 2011 and 2013, I authored and maintained several modules on the Perl CPAN repositories.
An Ido online Dictionary In 2003, I was quite involved with the Ido language community. There were existing Ido dictionaries in several languages, but all of them were static list of words on HTML ...
Bird Recognition Network Experiment As part of following the FastAI course, I built a simple model to classify common European birds using Python.
Face Detection in Historical Photos As an experiment in my Genealogy research, I started using Machine Learning (AWS Rekognition) to scan public historical photos (from Flickr and Reddit public alb...
A LaTeX fac-simile of a 1564 French Bible In 2011, I was working on editing books and was looking for an Open Source Garamond font. I found Georg Mayr-Duffner's EB Garamond and really liked it. I g...