Speaking engagements

Spoke about Cilium Gateway API at Cloud Native Basel Meetup
Spoke about Service Mesh at CNCF Zurich Meetup
Spoke about eBPF and Observability at DevOpsDays Zurich
Spoke about Kubernetes Network Policies at CNCF Bern Meetup
KubeCon Workshop on Cilium Tetragon
OpenShift Cluster Mesh with Cilium
Interviewed in l'AGEFI As part of an article about Cloud adoption for the Swiss Confederation, I was interviewed, along with my manager Mathieu Bornoz, on the subjects of Cloud providers in Switzer...
Technical Podcast on Cilium Along with my colleague Robin Hahling, I was interviewed by Stéphane Beuret for the French-speaking podcast Electro Monkeys. https://medium.com/electro-monkeys/cilium-pl...
DevOpsDays Geneva In an ever-so-fast technological world, Technical Debt can be a project breaker. This talk will evaluate links between Technical Debt, Open Source, Coupling, the Cloud, and more. ...
I spoke at Exoscale's The Future of Swiss Cloud 2021 event in Geneva, on the subject of automating SKS with GitOps using the DevOps Stack. https://www.slideshare.net/raphink/sks-in-git-ops-mode
I gave a talk on Technical Debt at the Swiss Confederation (BIT) on 04.11.2021 https://www.slideshare.net/raphink/the-hare-and-the-tortoise-open-source-standards-technological-debt
Gave a FOSDEM talk on Augeas Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in their native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made by manipul...
Spoke at DevOpsCon Munich (online) YAML Engineering: why we need a new paradigm YAML has become the de-facto standard to express resources in many fields linked to DevOps practices. What are YAML’s...
Spoke at DevOpsCon Munich (online) Container Security: a toolchain for automatic image rebuilds Containers and Kubernetes have revolutionized the way applications are deployed at scale. This new ap...
March Cloud Native Romandie Meetup https://dev.to/camptocamp-ops/march-cloud-native-romandie-meetup-o2f